Dev Guide#

Development setup#

Clone the kbatch repo onto your local machine and create a virtual environment (conda, venv, etc.) with Python 3.9 installed. From this directory, you can pip install the packages needed for development

$ pip install -e ./kbatch[all]
$ pip install -e ./kbatch-proxy[all]

NOTE: The -e signifies that this is an “editable install”, read more here.

The first pip install command above should’ve also installed pre-commit which is used to format and lint the code. Run the following command to start using pre-commit

$ pre-commit install --install-hooks

Run pytest#

To validate your changes against the test suite, run

$ pytest -v ./kbatch
$ pytest -v ./kbatch-proxy

Run mypy#

To perform mypy type checking, run

$ mypy ./kbatch
$ mypy ./kbatch-proxy

To build the docs locally#

To build the docs locally, run

$ cd ./docs
$ make html

kbatch-proxy development setup#

We don’t have a fully working docker-ized setup, since we (i.e. Tom) don’t know how to do Kubernetes within docker. So the current setup relies on

  1. k3d for Kubernetes

  2. JupyterHub as a regular Python process

  3. kbatch-proxy as a regular Python process

Create a cluster#

$ k3d cluster create ksubmit

Create a Hub#

make sure to npm install configurable-http-proxy.

$ cd hub
$ jupyterhub

Start kbatch-proxy#

KBATCH_PREFIX=/services/kbatch \
  KBATCH_PROFILE_FILE=tests/profile_template.yaml \
  JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN=super-secret \
  uvicorn kbatch_proxy.main:app --reload --port=8050

You’ll might want to log in and create a token at http://localhost:8000/hub/token. The kbatch configure with that token.

Release process#

These are the current steps that it takes to cut a new release of kbatch.

Release new version of kbatch/kbatch-proxy:#

  1. Update the version in the following files:

  2. Update any relevant docs and merge these changes into the codebase.

  3. Draft a release on the kbatch GitHub repo..

Release new version of helm-chart:#

  1. Once the container image and libraries have been successfully published, update the version of the helm-chart to match this new version of kbatch:

  2. Update any relevant docs and merge these changes into the codebase.

  3. Draft a release on the helm-chart GitHub repo.

NOTE: there are known limitations to the pre-release process outlined here.