# kbatch > A batch-style complement to interactive workflows on JupyterHub. `kbatch` lets you submit batch Jobs to Kubernetes. It's typically deployed as a JupyterHub service. You might use `kbatch` if you have some long-running workflow that you want to run on the same compute infrastructure as your JupyterHub. ```{raw} html ``` *See the [examples gallery](examples/index.md) for more examples* `kbatch` has two components: 1. A user-facing CLI and Python library, for users to submit Jobs 2. A proxy, `kbatch-proxy` that authorizes requests and forwards them to Kubernetes. For user-facing documentation, stay here. Administrators looking to deploy `kbatch-proxy` can visit the [kbatch-proxy] section. ## Install `kbatch` can be installed with Pip: ``` pip install kbatch ``` (configure)= ## Configure with JupyterHub deployment Your Kubernetes / JupyterHub administrator might have deployed `kbatch` alongside your JupyterHub. If this is the case, you can configure `kbatch` default URL and JupyterHub API token to use for all of its operations. You can generate a JupyterHub API token by logging in and visiting the token generation page, typically at `/hub/token`. Provide this token in place of `` below. Additionally, your JupyterHub admin might have deployed `kbatch` as a [JupyterHub service][jhub-service]. If so, then you can submit jobs and make requests at the URL `/services/kbatch`. Use that in place of `` below. ``` $ kbatch configure --kbatch-url="https://" --token="" ``` This will create configuration file that specifies the default URL and credentials to use for all `kbatch` operations. ## Next steps For more on how to use `kbatch`, see the [User guide](./user-guide.md) [kbatch-proxy]: kbatch-proxy.md [jhub-service]: https://z2jh.jupyter.org/en/latest/administrator/services.html ```{toctree} user-guide examples/index.md kbatch-proxy dev-guide ```